Canadian coalition for children with incarcerated parents (CCCIP) – The CCICPA aims to ensure that the voices of children with incarcerated parents are heard at all levels of decision-making in the criminal justice system.

CFAD – Founded in 1985, Continuité-famille auprès des détenues is a community organization that assists women in conflict with the law and their families.

Kids with Incarcerated Parents – Ils sont engagés à fournir un soutien et des programmes adaptés aux enfants, aux jeunes et aux familles qui ont connu une implication familiale dans le système de justice, de l’arrestation à la réintégration.

Mothers Offering Mutual Support (MOMS) – They are committed to providing tailored support and programs to children, youth and families who have experienced family involvement in the justice system, from arrest to reintegration.

Canadian Families and Corrections Network (CFCN) – Browse their website to see how they help with information brochures, research, programs and policies.

Relais Famille – Provides a variety of services to families who have a loved one in custody, in detention or being released from prison.